Active Transportation Plan

Project Type
Town Projects

UPDATE: Future Cycling Network pdf map “Future Cycling Network(2023)”

The Town of Smithers has created its first Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to better support active mobility options in our community. This includes any method of human-powered transportation that you take to get yourself, or others, from one place to another, such as destinations for a specific purpose (e.g., school, work, shopping, etc.) or for recreation and leisure. The ATP will set the foundation for developing well-connected, attractive active transportation networks that are safe, convenient and accessible for people of all ages and abilities. On a broader scale, the plan will also further the Town’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by replacing carbon dioxide (CO2) generating transportation with active transportation options and decreasing dependency on fossil fuels vehicles.

Read the amended Smithers Active Transportation Plan.

This project has been funded through the Province of British Columbia Rural Dividend Program.


The purpose of the Smithers ATP is to identify strategies that integrate accessible, multi-use, pedestrian and cycling improvements to replace CO2 generating transportation and decrease dependency on fossil fuel vehicles with active transportation alternatives. Specific objectives of the ATP are to:

  • Increase the safety and frequency of use of active transport;
  • Improve connections between downtown, residential neighbourhoods, schools, rural residential areas and front country tourism assets;
  • Create measurable targets that increase active transportation choices by 2021; and
  • Advance the Town’s commitment to reducing GHG emissions.

Over the last decade, Smithers has completed numerous plans and processes related to community sustainability, accessibility and infrastructure improvements. 

British Columbia Active Transportation Design Guide

King Street Cycling Spine Info:

The King Street Cycling Spine is the first of two projects designed create a new east-west cycling corridor. Designated cycling lanes 1.45 meters wide and separated from traffic with a 0.5 meter wide painted buffer will be installed on each side of King Street between Railway Avenue and the Highway. Yellow curb and No Stopping/No Parking signs will prohibit parking along both sides of King Street. 

Drawings illustrating the proposed changes can be viewed or downloaded here.

The new bike lanes and parking restrictions are expected to come into effect by late summer 2022. Part 2 of this project (scheduled for 2023) will extend the east-west cycling spine along upper Main Street between Highway 16 and Sixteenth Avenue. In addition, cycling and accessibility improvements are being planned for Third Avenue between King Street and Queen Street.

Contact Information

Benjamin Lee, Planner:  250-847-1600 or