NAV CANADA hours of operation at CYYD:
- Winter Operations: October to May - 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Summer Operations: June to September - 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
View the Live Weather Camera at the Smithers Regional Airport.
Aircraft Parking Charges (GST not included), per night or over 6 hours Weight (kg) Daily ($) Monthly ($) Annual ($) 0 - 2,000 10.08 80.55 497.54 2,001 - 5,000 11.35 90.76 557.97 5,001 - 10,000 17.84 142.74 10,001 - 30,000 33.14 265.21 30,001 - 60,000 51.10 408.81 60,001 - 100,000 77.12 617.04 > 100,001 128.99 1,031.89
Landing Charges ($/1,000KG) (GST not included)
Commercially Registered Aircraft
Minimum Charge - Domestic $21.10Domestic 0 - 20,000 kg $6.02 20,001 - 45,000 kg $7.58 Over 45,000 kg $9.13 Terminal charges (GST not included)
Jet and Piston Aircraft
Domestic 0-9 Seats $18.72 10-15 Seats $37.42 16-25 Seats $57.63 26-45 Seats $101.04 46-60 Seats $144.28 61-89 Seats $230.98 90-125 Seats $317.75 >125 Seats $375.50 Electrical fees (GST not included) Type Time Cost Aircraft Plug Power (0-5000 kg) Daily $14.99 Aircraft Plug Power (0-5000 kg) Monthly $119.93 Aircraft Plug Power (5000+ kg) Daily $38.03 Aircraft Plug Power (5000+ kg) Monthly $310.23 *Aircraft terminal charges are for using airport facilities. Please note that although some airports do not charge "terminal fees", the fees are often hidden in higher landing fees. Each airport has different financial requirements and must set fees according to their requirements.
The Smithers Regional Airport is owned and operated by the Town of Smithers municipality. Aircraft are invoiced at the end of each month for any applicable charges.
DJ Airside Services
- Ground handling support for commercial and private aircraft
- Deicing
- Catering
Contact Dennis
phone: 250-877-1084
Airconsol Aviation Services
Phone: 250-847-3414
Cell: 250-643-1755
CYYD is not an Airport of Entry. No Canada Customs service is available.
Foreign pilots wishing to fly into Canada must call 1-888-CANPASS (1-888-226-7277) at least 2 hours, but not more than 48 hours, before flying into Canada.
Pilots are reminded that advising CANPASS of arrival time in Canada does not fulfill their flight planning requirements and that a flight plan must be filed for all transborder flights.
Revenue generated from the Passenger Facility Fee (PFF) is used for General Airport Operations and Capital. $10 of each $30 collected goes into a reserve for large capital projects. The Passenger Facility Fee is applicable to all enplaned passengers for scheduled and chartered passenger flights. Improvements and upgrades are a necessary part of running a functional, safe and secure airport.