Business Licensing

A Business License is required for anyone conducting business within the Town boundaries. This includes businesses that are located out of town, but operate within Town boundaries and home based businesses. A Business License application is also required for a change in ownership, change in business location, change of address, or a business with multiple locations.

New! Bulkley Valley Mobile Food Vendor Program 

The Town of Smithers, the Village of Telkwa and the District of Houston have collaborated on a Bulkley Valley Mobile Food Vendor program to assist local vendors in securing the appropriate fire, electrical and gas safety inspections which are required before operating within each jurisdiction.

This program is structured to provide maximum flexibility for vendors as they can have their mobile equipment inspected at any one of the three local fire departments. Once their certification decal is displayed, it will be honoured in all three communities, limiting the need for multiple inspections.

View the program guidelines here, and download the fact sheet here

 For further information, please contact the Development Services Department at 250.847.1600.