Levels and their Definitions
Water Quality Advisory
A water quality advisory is the lowest-level notification. A water quality advisory is used in situations where the public health threat is modest, and actions can be taken to reduce the risks by ways other than requiring a boil water notice or do not use water notice.
Boil Water Notice
A boil water notice is used in situations where the public health threat is significant and the nature of the threat is one that can be effectively addressed by boiling the water.
Water supply systems may remain on a boil water advisory for an extended period of time due to a substantial concern about the system’s treatment equipment or distribution infrastructure. Infrastructure changes are usually quite costly and require lengthy planning before they can become operational.
If you have a home filter system, you may still need to boil your water, depending on the particular circumstances of your water supply. Consult with your drinking water officer/contact for guidance.
Do Not Use Water Notice
A do not use water notice is the highest-level notification. It is used in situations where a significant public health threat exists and the threat cannot be adequately addressed through a water quality advisory or boil water notice.
Q. What is manganese?
A. Manganese is an essential element (or nutrient) for all living organisms and is present in air, food, consumer products, soil and water. It is also found in some drinking water sources.
Q. How am I exposed to Manganese?
A. According to Heath Canada, manganese is most easily absorbed in the body from drinking water. The main source of manganese for most people is their diet and, in addition to drinking water, is present in nuts, beans, fruits, and leafy green vegetables. Health Canada indicates that consuming small amounts of manganese is necessary to maintaining your overall health. However, recent studies have shown that increased levels of manganese can pose greater health risks when consumed in water rather than food.
Q. Why is too much manganese a problem?
A. Manganese can cause discolouration in water and stain laundry and plumbing fixtures. According to Health Canada’s recent studies, consuming water with elevated levels of manganese may have health effects to infants.
Q. Why was the guideline for manganese in drinking water revised?
A. As part of Health Canada’s Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water results of recent scientific studies show that health effects may be related to high levels of manganese in drinking water. The new evidence has shown that consuming drinking water with high levels of manganese may impact the memory, attention, motor function, and the overall intellectual development of infants and young children.
This information was used as their basis for identifying maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) for manganese in drinking water. These drinking water guidelines are designed to protect the health of the most vulnerable members of society, such as children and the elderly.
Q. Who is at risk from drinking elevated levels of manganese in drinking water?
A. Although exposure to high levels of manganese in drinking water can pose a health risk to the general population, Health Canada has indicated that infants are at greater risk from manganese in drinking water than children and adults because:
- Their brains are developing rapidly;
- They drink more water based on body weight;
- And they absorb more manganese and are less likely to remove it from their bodies
Health Canada’s analysis has determined that infants consuming formula reconstituted with high levels of manganese in drinking water are particularly at risk and recommend that drinking water that contains high levels of manganese above their guideline not be used to prepare infant formula.
Q. Should I use tap water to bottle-feed my infant?
A. Formula, reconstituted with tap water, can be a source of exposure to manganese for bottle-fed infants. In areas where the level of manganese in drinking water is above the Health Canada MAC guideline (0.12 mg / L), it is recommended that an alternate source of water (e.g., bottled water) be used to prepare infant formula. If you are on your own water source (i.e., a private well) you should test your drinking water.
Q. Can I transfer manganese to my infant if I am pregnant or breast feeding?
A. The amount of manganese transferred from an expecting mother is not fully understood, however, it is expected that the manganese absorption and excretion would be managed by the mother’s body. Breastfeeding is not likely to be a significant route of exposure. New and expecting mothers whose drinking water source has a manganese concentration above the MAC may wish to use an alternate source of drinking water. Contact your physician if you have health concerns.
Q. If levels of manganese in my water are above the guideline value, can I still use it to bathe, shower and wash hands?
A. Exposure to manganese through skin contact is not harmful. The exposure risk from hand washing, showering, or bathing from water with manganese is unlikely to be significant. While inhalation of manganese aerosols during showering has not been directly evaluated it is not expected to pose risk to human health.
Q. What is the Town of Smithers doing about water quality overall?
A. The Town is actively working with Northern Health to develop strategies to reduce the concentration of manganese within the distribution system.
Q. Is short-term exposure to manganese in drinking water at levels above the MAC a health risk?
A. The guideline was established to be protective of the most sensitive population, which is formula-fed infants. If the manganese level in your drinking water is above the guideline, you should consider using an alternate source of water to make infant formula.
For adults and older children, who drink less water relative to their body weight than bottle-fed infants, short-term exposure to manganese in drinking water slightly above the guideline is not a concern. However, if this is a long-term situation, a permanent solution such as the use of a treatment device or an alternate source of drinking water should be considered.
Q. Will boiling water remove the manganese?
A. Boiling water may increase manganese concentration, so it is not recommended.
Q. Does this Water Quality Advisory affect the Airport Water System and Watson’s Landing?
A. Yes, there are two advisories, one for the Smithers Community Water System and the other for the Airport Water System that includes Watson's Landing.
Q. How do I obtain more information?
A. Please visit our webpage for more information and links to several other resource materials:
https://www.northernhealth.ca/services/environmental-health/drinking-water/drinking-water-resources or email us at php@northernhealth.ca
Town of Smithers website - https://www.smithers.ca/
Website Title: Government of Canada
Article Title: Manganese in Drinking Water
Website title: Health Link BC
Article title: Manganese in Drinking Water
The Town of Smithers is issuing a Water Quality Advisory for the Smithers Regional Airport Water System due to the levels of manganese in its drinking water supply. While the quality of the Smithers Regional Airport Water System drinking water has not changed, the Canadian Guideline for drinking water has.
Manganese in the water supply exceeds Health Canada’s Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC) of 0.12 mg/L. Considering these exceedances, guidance from Health Canada notes potential increased health risks among developing infants and young children who are exposed to large amounts of manganese in drinking water. Potential health risks for members of the population, other than bottle fed infants, are not well known. Health Canada’s information specifically focuses on bottle fed infants. More testing will be conducted to further assess the scope of the existing advisory and updates will be provided as necessary/available. To reduce these risks, Town of Smithers advises water from this water supply system should not be used for preparing infant formula.
The Town of Smithers tests water from the Smithers Regional Airport Water System regularly in accordance with Provincial and Federal regulation. Water may be used for showering, bathing and other household uses without concern.
Upon completion of the new well installed in the Airport Water System, sampling was performed to assess any risks present with manganese levels arising from new federal requirements. On review of these results, it was determined that a Water Quality Advisory was best suited to inform community members that may be impacted.
The Town is actively working with Northern Health to develop strategies to reduce the concentration of manganese within the distribution system.
For further information contact:
Chris Lawrence, Director of Operations
Town of Smithers
For those who would like more information, the following links offer more information about manganese in drinking water and the Town’s Water Quality Monitoring Program overall:
Ministry of Health – Province of British Columbia
HealthLinkBC - Health File Number 49g:
https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthlinkbc-files/manganese-drinking-waterNorthern Health Authority
Town of Smithers
Health Advisory for Bottle-fed Infants and Young Children
The Town of Smithers is issuing a Water Quality Advisory due to the levels of manganese in its drinking water supply. While the quality of the Town’s drinking water has not changed, the Canadian Guideline for drinking water has.
In May 2019, Health Canada established a new maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) for manganese in drinking water of 0.12 mg/L. The Town of Smithers draws its water from three deep wells. Test results show that the Town’s groundwater wells have between 0.10 to 0.18 mg/L of manganese; the level depends on which wells are pumping and for how long. Full water reports are available on the Town’s website at https://www.smithers.ca/residents/property-services/annual-water-report.
Manganese (Mn) is an element found in air, food, soil and drinking water. While a small amount of Mn is essential for human health, new Health Canada research has shown drinking water with too high of Mn can increase the risk of developmental impairment in bottle fed infants and young children.
In response to this new information, the Town of Smithers recommends people use another source of water, such as bottled water, for preparing baby formula for infants and food or drinks for young children.The Town of Smithers tests each well as part of its Water Quality Monitoring Program. In conjunction with the Northern Health Authority, the Town increased its Water Quality Monitoring Program to include chemical sampling of the distribution system. This allowed Northern Health Authority to assess any risk to public health. The Town is actively working with Northern Health Authority to reduce the concentration of manganese in the community water system. The Town expects to meet the new guidelines in the near future.
For those who would like more information please follow the following resource links to learn more about manganese in drinking water and the Town’s Water Quality Monitoring Program:Health Canada
Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document – Manganese (FAQ) https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/guidelines-canadian-drinking-water-quality-guideline-technical-document-manganese/guidance-document.htmlMinistry of Health – Province of British Columbia
HealthLinkBC Health File Number 49g:
https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthlinkbc-files/manganese-drinking-waterNorthern Health Authority
First Nations Health Authority
For more information please contact:
Chris Lawrence, Director of Operations
Town of Smithers
clawrence@smithers.ca / 250.847.1649