As established by Section.9 of the British Columbia Accessibility Act (BCAA), the mandate of the Smithers Accessibility Committee is to work collaboratively with the Town of Smithers Council and staff and the public to assess and improve community accessibility and inclusion with focus on the experiences of people with disabilities.
The Committee will provide advice on:
- Preparing an organizational Accessibility Plan for the Town; this will involve identifying and providing recommendations to prevent / remove barriers that limit the full participation of individuals with disabilities while interacting with the Town in various ways, including but not limited to, service delivery, built environment, information and communication, transportation, and employment;
- Establishing a mechanism to receive, review, and respond to public feedback on accessibility-related issues;
- Policies and programs to ensure that the needs of current and future residents with disabilities are considered and to educate and inform public on matters affecting residents with disabilities;
- Drafting and implementing the periodic reviews and updates of the Town’s Accessibility Plan;
- referrals from the Town Council, Library Board, and Committees of Council;
- initiatives that will improve accessibility and inclusion in Smithers; and
- accessibility and inclusivity within Town departments, municipal events, and Town operations.
Terms of Reference | Agendas & Minutes
Committee Members:
Wilma Wikkerink | Juanita Hagman |Isabelle Chernish | Danielle Rettie | Lisa Ambus | Ancia Schlemmert | Micaela McTavish | Brie McAloney | Laura Duursma | Linda Bayes | Glenys SnowDymondCouncil Liaison:
Councillor Sam Raven | Councillor Frank Wray (Alternate).Advisory:
Director - Smithers Public Library | Director of Development Services | Director of OperationsThe role of the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) is to represent the Community's interest in planning-related issues affecting the Town of Smithers.
Join the APC today - Application Form |Terms of Reference | Agendas & MinutesCommission Members:
Colin Bruintjes | Allan Cormier | Tamara Gillis | Bob Mitchell | Andrew Schibli |
Donald Stewart | Sarah Newton | RCMP | 2 Vacant
Council Liaison:
Councillor Sam Raven | Councillor Frank Wray (Alternate)
Staff Advisory:
Chief Administrative Officer | Director of Development Services | PlannerThe Board of Variance (BOV) for the Town of Smithers is an appointed body that has the authority to grant minor variances to certain provisions of Town Bylaws. The BOV is a quasi-judicial body separate from the local government with its own authority under the Local Government Act.
Terms of Reference | Agendas & MinutesCommittee Members:
Abby Morgan | Floyd Krishan | Wilma WikkerinkThis is a Committee of all Council members which deals with matters in a less formal manner than at a Regular Council meeting. Matters are not formally adopted but recommendations are made to a subsequent meeting of Council at which time the recommendations of the Committee are normally adopted and acted on.
Committee Members:
Mayor, Chair | All CouncilStaff Advisory:
Chief Administrative Officer | Department Heads (as required)This is a committee established by agreement between the Town of Smithers and the Bulkley Valley Agricultural and Industrial Association – BVAIA The committee makes recommendations to Council respecting any additions or improvements to the lands or the issuance of new licences in the Fall Fair Grounds. In addition, the committee controls access to other licensed areas on the grounds and resolves conflicts between licensees over the non-exclusive use of any licensed area.
Committee Members:
Patty Peterson, Chair
BVAIA Appointees:
Ian Lawson | Charlie McClaryTown Appointees:
Councillor Genevieve Paterson | Councillor Frank Wray | Mayor Gladys Atrill (Alternate)Town Staff Advisory:
Director of Community ServicesThe Town of Smithers is a member Municipality of the Regional District of Bulkley Nechako. Meetings are held monthly in Burns Lake.
Town of Smithers Representatives:
Mayor Gladys Atrill | Councillor Frank Wray (alternate)The purpose of the Select Committee on Community Safety and Well Being is to explore, evaluate, and recommend to Council actionable policies, programs, and initiatives aimed at reducing crime and fostering a sense of safety in the community.
Term of Reference | Agendas & Minutes
Committee Members:
The Select Committee will be made up of representatives from the Smithers and District Chamber of Commerce, Smithers Community Services Association, Citizens on Patrol, the Office of the Wet’suwet’en, Lake Babine Nation, Dze L K'amt Friendship Centre, Northern Health, RCMP, Town Staff, and 4 community members at large, who have an interest in community safety and wellbeing.Advisory:
Member of Council | Chief Administrative Officer | Director of Community Services | RCMP Staff Sergeant.The role of the Committee is to discuss local transit issues and make decisions or recommendations on issues involving fare changes, budgets, and changes in transit levels of service. The Transit Committee occurs approximately 3 times per year or on an as-need basis.
The funding partners are the Town of Smithers, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako, Village of Telkwa, and the Moricetown Band Council. The Town of Smithers signs the Annual Operating Agreement between the Town, BC Transit, and the Smithers Community Services Association. Membership includes one representative (or alternate) (with voting privileges) from the Village of Telkwa, Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Area ‘A’, and Moricetown Band.
Smithers and District Transit Committee Terms of Reference | Agendas & Minutes
This is a board made up of appointees by Council, who oversee the operation of the Public Library. Council has a representative on the Library Board as required under the Library Act.
Committee Members:
Councillor Calvin Elliott, Liaison | Smithers Public Library Board Members