OCP-Zoning-Housing Need Update Project (Bill 44 Amendment)

Public Notice

With a mandate to expedite the delivery of a range of housing forms that meet the needs and affordability of people across BC in a shorter timeframe, the Province of British Columbia adopted the Homes for People plan in April 2023. The four pillars of the province’s housing plan include: 

  • Unlocking more homes faster (through flexible land use regulations, digital permitting, improving development review process, and incentive programs); 
  • Delivering better, more affordable homes (through investing in social housing and post-secondary student housing, protecting existing affordable units, revitalizing co-op housing, and partnering with indigenous communities); 
  • Supporting those with the greatest housing need (through establishing renter’s tax credit, creating homes for people experiencing homelessness, supporting renter in crisis, and revitalizing and expanding existing BC Housing properties); 
  • Creating a housing market for people, not speculators (through implementing ‘flipping tax’, regulating short-term rentals, expediating tenancy-related disputes, expanding areas for speculation and vacancy tax, improving real estate regulations, and offering additional protection for renters) 

Local governments are required to amend their zoning bylaws by June 30, 2024, to meet the SSMUH requirements established in the Local Government Act.

Phase 1 community engagement will be undertaken in April 2024, and includes the following components:

  1. Wednesday, April 17, from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
  2. Thursday, April 18, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Refreshments will be provided.  

If you are unable to attend the information sessions in person, you may attend virtually by RSVP-ing to dchandran@smithers.ca

Feedback received from the community and stakeholders will inform the drafting process of the OCP and Zoning amendment bylaws to be adopted before the June 30th legislated deadline.   Phase 2 Community engagement will commence in early Fall 2024, once the Housing Needs report is updated in compliance with the newly established provincial standards. 

For more information please visit the project webpage: OCP-Zoning-Housing Need Update Project

Bill 44 Amendment Project - The Town of Smithers OCP-Zoning-Housing Needs Project