Draft Mobile Vending Bylaw Survey


The Town of Smithers (“the Town”) is proposing a new Mobile Vending Bylaw No. 1964 for the application and permitting process for mobile restaurants and vendors to operate on public highways or Town-owned properties. The new bylaw intends to provide clarity and support to mobile vendors and mobile restaurants looking to operate in the Town, while supporting the distinction of markets to protect existing brick-and-mortar restaurants.

The draft Mobile Vending Bylaw identifies a list of pre-approved designated mobile vending and mobile restaurant locations within municipal boundaries. These vending spots on Town-owned property were carefully selected as to not block any building entrances/exits or accessible parking spaces, are within the appropriate building and property line setbacks as per the Zoning Bylaw No. 1936, and are strategically selected as high-interest areas based on previous mobile vending approved locations or inquiries. Each location identified may have a designated operating location with a specific number of spots available for mobile units to "rent" for their one-year business licence period. The specific dates and mobile vending spots must be booked in advance.

There would still need to be coordination between event organizers for special events at Chandler Park and staff reviewing mobile vendor permits. No mobile vendors may book sites within Central Park on Farmer's Market days. This will be done through the Special Event organizer.

The Town welcomes your participation in the following engagement activities for the proposed Mobile Vending Bylaw No. 1964:

  • Complete the community survey, which will remain open until 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
  • Attend the Drop-In Info Session on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Town Hall.