The Town of Smithers works hard to achieve a balance between an appropriate snow clearing response time and maintaining a reasonable cost for snow clearing. The Town thanks you for your patience and co-operation.
The Town of Smithers operates with a budgeted amount of funds, which are required for a number of purposes. The Town in establishing the Snow and lce Control Policy must consider its financial resources and personnel. Priorities are established to provide the greatest benefit to the majority of the traveling public. ln setting priorĂties, consideration is given to criteria such as: Traffic Volume, Road Classification, Road Geometrics, Terrain, Bus Routes, Emergency Services, Drift Exposure, and Drainage Problems.
The Town of Smithers has set three priority ratings:
- PRIORITY #1: Downtown core, major roads, emergency routes, school routes, bus routes, roads with steep grades, and during the spring melt; areas with known Drainage Problems.
- PRIORITY #2: Remaining residential roads and lanes that provide primary access to residents.
- PRIORITY #3: Town of Smithers owned parking lots and remaining lanes are prioritized in the following order: 1) Downtown core; and 2) remaining developed lanes.
Read the full policy here: Snow & Ice Control Policy (OPS-009)
After a snowfall, crews are often hampered by cars parked on streets, which blocks access for snow-clearing equipment. This creates time delays and can be hazardous. Residents are required to keep the roadways clear of parked vehicles in order to allow the snow-clearing crews to do their work safely and efficiently.
Should you have any concerns or questions about the Town's snow-clearing policy or procedures, please call the Operations Department between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm, Monday through Friday at 250-847-1649 or submit an email to